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We see algae as the world’s most promising source of renewable, alternative biomass.



Why Algae? Algae are fast growing organisms that turn sunlight into chemical energy. Microalgae, including single-celled algae and cyanobacteria, grow in water and produce proteins and lipids that can be used to for bio products and biofuels.

Microalgae in particular are a highly sustainable feedstock due to: (1) rapid growth in scalable ponds, bioreactors, or fermentation tanks, (2) utilization of non-potable water and non-arable land, (3) inexpensive media costs and near-complete utilization of nutrients, (4) biomass production with essentially no fossil energy inputs or net greenhouse gas emissions because of the large amount of CO2 sequestered during algae cultivation, and (5) a highly diverse selection of biomolecules produced.